Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Interview with Tonya Callihan

So what is it about the supernatural that lights your fire?   
You have to believe in the supernatural.  It's something you cannot control -- no matter how much we try -- it's out of our hands.  We never know if or when it will occur.  And when it does, we never know what to expect from it.
What's your poison, Vamp, Were, Zombie? 

I have loved vampires since I was a little girl.  Although I love a sexy werewolf!
What makes them sexy?  

They are sexy by nature!  You never know what their next move will be.  They're dangerous, dark, mysterious, and lethal.  You're always on edge trying to anticipate their next move.  Who ever thought sucking your blood could be such a turn-on?
Have you ever had a Supernatural experience?   

When I was a teenager my dad's best friend was murdered.  After his death we got his camper.  Every night at 11PM and every morning at 11AM we would hear the camper door slam.  Shortly after it would slam at 11PM we would always hear footsteps on our back deck.  No one was ever there.  Soon after our little dog would start growling and barking at our couch, at the same spot he would sit when he would visit us.
As for seeing a ghost, me and my college roommate, Keisha, saw a ghost one night for a matter of seconds before it disappeared.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?  I adore Winnie the Pooh.  Your turn. 
I know it's bad for our environment, especially now.  But when I've had a hard day or stressed and need to relax, I turn out the lights in the bathroom and take a long hot shower until I run out of hot water.


Blogger Historical Writer/Editor said...

A short but sweet interview. I found it to be interesting. -Laura H.

October 22, 2009 at 7:07 PM  

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