Ancient Awakenings - PART 2
Ancient Awakenings—Part 2 Read Part 1 - HERE
“Is there a rule that states vampires have to live in dark caves,” shivering Ophelia reached over and turned on the lamp beside her.
“Not so much as a rule but a survival technique. I can see better in the dark and I function better when it’s 60 or below.” he commented walking out of the room.
Shrugging she held her jacket closer to her body trying to stay warm and trying to keep her teeth from clattering. When Nickolaos returned he was holding a tan blanket.
“It’s a heating blanket, it should help keep you warm,” he told her wrapping the blanket around her shoulders.
Ophelia shivered, but not because of the cold, but because of his nearness. Never in her life has she been so attracted to another man. Up close she could see the muscles flexing under his black t-shirt and the way his blue eyes darkened near her. Was that because he was also attracted or because he wanted to feed from her?
“Thank you,” she murmured when he moved away and the warmth started to seep through her body.
Nickolaos wrapped the blanket around her body and tried his best not to touch her. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to hold back if he did. He wanted her blood like he had never wanted blood before, being close to her, hearing her heart quicken at his nearness and her breath catch as he wrapped her in the blanket, made him feel as though he hadn’t fed in months.
Nickolaos also knew if he fed from her, if he stopped himself, he would crave her every second. If she ever came to her senses and left him and this mission he would soon feel pains vampires should never feel. But eventually, without her blood, those pains would kill him.
But Nickolaos feared he wouldn’t be able to hold back for too much longer. He watched her body relax under the warm blanket and heard her breathing slow. Her short, dark hair fanned around her face and her golden eyes watch him closely. Her eyes were eyes he knew he could drink from. They looked liked molten liquid and they were meant for a man to drown in.
“Did Sebastian give you any clues?”
“No,” she bit her bottom lip. “He only told me he would be in touch. He told me I needed to come to Greece and find you. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that, but he assured me I would know once I was here.”
“Sebastian hasn’t contacted me, I knew it was getting close to starting this search once again, but he never told me when it would start and when we would meet.”
“Then how did you know?”
“I just knew,”
“I’ve been in Greece for a couple of weeks, searching for you. No one seemed to know who you are or where I could find you. But tonight I just knew I had to go out around midnight, my gut told me I would find you then.”
Nickolaos paced to the window and stared out at the night. “It’s getting close to sunrise,” he spoke softly, mainly for himself.
“How are we supposed to find Pandora’s Box without any clues?”
“We can’t. The box could be anywhere in the world.”
“But you said a vampire clan had the box, which clan and where do they hang out?”
“Vampires don’t hang out,” laughing he turned to stare at her. “If I knew the clan, I wouldn’t be here.”
“So, you don’t even know who has this box?”
“How do we find out?”
“Sebastian will send you clues via your cell phone. Once we get those clues we will go from there.”
“If this vampire clan has had possession over Pandora’s Box for centuries, how come they’ve never opened it?”
“Honestly I’m not sure. As you said some myths state that an immortal cannot open Pandora’s Box. From what I’ve learned only a mortal who believes in Pandora’s Box, only someone who believes that once they open the box than despair and hurt will wash over the world. If you open the box and you don’t believe than nothing will happen.”
“Is that what Sebastian was talking about? The other women before me failed because they didn’t believe.” She felt a sense of relief, after finding out Nickolaos couldn’t read her mind, she thought love would fall into the equation.
“It could be.”
“But you don’t think so?” She pushed the blanket aside, suddenly too warm under his eyes. He was still leaning against the window. Was he staying far from her in fear of hurting her?
“I have never worked with a mortal before, I’m new at this myself.”
“But earlier you said you have spent centuries looking?” Confused she raised an eyebrow.
“I have, by myself. I’ve never been assigned to work with a mortal before. I usually work with other immortals. If we could find the clan holding the box we could tell the mortal and the vampire she was working with.”
“What’s happened to the women before me?”
“I’m not allowed to know so I’m not tempted to tell you. If you knew the truth you probably wouldn’t want to participate.”
“But I have a right to know.” She stood. “I could get killed.”
“You could, yes. Do you still want to proceed?”
Nodding she walked closer to him. “Can I ask you some questions?”
“That’s what you have been doing?” He uncrossed his arms and watched her edge closer to him.
“No, I mean about you? About vampires?”
After several seconds of silence Ophelia wasn’t sure she should get any closer to him. But now that they were in the light, she had to see him up close.
“You can ask, but it doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”
“Fair,” stopping within a foot of him she studied his face. It was pale, just like her research had suggested. But he didn’t have any scarring or signs on his face that he was a vampire like other research suggested. His eyes seemed normal, except they were a bright blue she had never seen before. “Can you go out in the sunlight?”
“No,” he simply stated.
“Can you eat anything other than blood?”
“No,” he stated again.
“Do you want to kill me?”
“Yes,” he said without hesitation.
“Will you kill me once this is over?”
“Why not?”
“Because I am not a monster.” Pushing off the window he stalked past her towards the other side of the room.
“Is it true that if a vampire can’t read your mind you are lifemates?”
He turned to stare at her. “Depends on which legend you want to believe,” he closed his eyes, fisting his hands at his sides and concentrated on breathing.
“Which legend is the truth?”
“I have to go feed, stay here.” he turned and fled the room.
She felt she had a right to know what her future might hold. Although she wasn’t too happy with the idea of spending eternity as a vampire—with a vampire.
Frowning, Ophelia thought about him not being able to go out in the sunlight, that must be horrible, but more importantly that would delay their search. She had a feeling he wasn’t about to let her go out searching by herself, even during the day.
“Saffron,” why hadn’t she thought of that before? Pulling out her phone she brought up her file on saffron flowers in Italy.
It stated that a vampire could go out in sunlight if he wore saffron. No matter where the box was they had to make a stop in Italy to find this flower to help Nickolaos go out in the sunlight.
Before being able to think about it anymore her cell phone beeped letting her know she had a new email message.
Welcome to your journey, Ophelia,
By now you have met Nickolaos, your immortal who will help you through your destiny. He will guide you and protect you. There will be plenty of danger that lies ahead. But never fear you are a strong woman. Nickolaos already has a strong connection with you and will allow nothing to harm you.
As for finding Pandora’s Box, I know you cannot do this on your own. I will be involved in helping you. I will send you clues to where you can find the box.
Your first clue: Pandora’s Box is a myth of Greece, but it no longer resides there. A vampire clan with an Italian surname holds possession in their homeland.
Good luck and many blessings,
Sebastian Clemmons
“Where in Italy and why couldn’t he give me a last name?” she questioned her phone frustrated.
“What’s going on?” Nickolaos walked into the room, seemingly more calm.
“We have to go to Italy.” She read the clue to him and then explained about the ring.
“How can we be sure saffron will really work?”
“I thought of it moments before Sebastian sent the clue. I knew then we had to go to Italy to find this flower. Once I received the clue, I knew I was on the right track. It has to work, it just has to.”
“Let’s go to Italy.”
Read the Competition - Across the Veil

Your story is building nicely. The saffron twist is interesting to me. I thought the question/answer exchange was good. I look forward to reading the third chapter! Good luck!
Thanks Margie, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought the question/answer was important to do as soon as possible. That way it gives the reader a little more insight to the characters and what is to come in their journey. But there is so much more to the story and I hope I get to post part 3 next week.
Nice work Tonya!!! :)
Good luck this week!!! Fun "fighting" with you! :)
Thanks Lisa, I'm having a lot of fun "fighting" with you as well. Best of luck:-)
Voting. Good luck!
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