Across the Veil - Part Two
Keth nailed the vampire with a spin kick to the face. The immortal crashed against the brick wall before hitting the pavement face first. In one fluid motion Keth pulled the stake free from the inside pocket of his trench coat, but before he could jam it through the vampire’s chest, pain wrapped itself around his wrist. He lost his grip on the stake, and pulled his wrist in close to his body.
With his other hand, he reached out toward the vampire. “Oighríonn tú. Now!”
The vampire hissed, straining against the spell. Keth picked up the stake, clenching his teeth. Hot fire burned through his veins and up his arm as he watched color rise through his pale skin gradually taking shape. The vine. Talia needed him.
Clasping the stake in his other hand, he growled, “Scaoilim. I release you.”
With fangs bared, the vampire dove for him. Keth spun, staking the vampire from behind just as the final strand of vines braided Keth’s wrist. While the vampire shriveled to dust, he opened and closed his hand. The pain lessened to a tingle.
He kicked his boot through the dust, scattering the remnants of his attacker. He needed to hurry.
Keth slid his Ray Ban sunglasses over his light green eyes and pulled away from the airport. Talia, or Natalie Thurmont as she called herself on this side of the veil, was the star of Avalon Magic, the hottest show on television. After a quick internet search, he was on his way to the Arizona desert where she was filming a television movie.
The irony that a princess from Summerland was using special effects instead of her true magic didn’t escape him.
Not that he watched the show. All right he watched sometimes, but not every week.
He gripped the wheel tighter and gunned the Porsche’s engine. Until he knew why Talia summoned him and risked using Fae magic in the human world, he wouldn’t be able to relax. The last time he touched her was etched on his soul. Her blue eyes sparkled with tears, her rose lips, still swollen from his kisses, and her soft fingers tracing over his lips, yearning for words he couldn’t give her.
Since he’d crossed the veil, he thought about reaching out to her. But what could he say? She was betrothed to his brother. His own kin. The ruthless bastard never deserved her, but Faldo was the first born son. He had the birthright.
And he had proof of their betrayal.
Keth used his glamour to gain access to the movie set, and quickly located her trailer. The oppressive heat and bright sun burned his pale skin. Waiting outside wasn’t going to be an option. Her door was unlocked, so he slipped inside and was instantly assaulted by the scent of wild roses and lilacs. He took a deep breath in spite of himself. He couldn’t help it. Memories of summer evenings by the lake filled his mind. Talia’s red hair fanning around her like fire as he laid over her.
He could almost hear her singing. She had a voice that filled angels with envy. He frowned and looked down toward the other end of the trailer. Another step closer and he realized she really was singing. Pushing open the door, he found Talia drenched in bubbles.
“Keth?” She jumped, sending a wave of bath water out onto the floor.
He drank in the sight of her bare shoulders, the gentle slope of her neck, her full lips and flushed cheeks, and finally her crystal blue eyes.
“Were you expecting someone else?” The thought alone made his shoulders tense.
She settled back into the bath, but not before he caught her gaze sliding up his body. “I was expecting a polite knock at the door.”
He held up his fist, showing the ornate vine tattoo that wrapped around his wrist. “You summoned me, remember?”
She held up her arm, exposing her matching vine. “Yes, I remember.”
“We made this pact as children. The vine would call us back together if we were ever in trouble.” He scanned the small expanse of her trailer and finally met her eyes again. “You don’t look like you’re in danger.”
Her hand splashed back into the tub. “Can I get dressed before we have this talk?”
He shrugged. “Go ahead.”
“Alone. You wait outside.” Her brow furrowed, and if he’d been in a better mood he would have found the crease in her forehead comical. Talia could never pull off a cross expression in his presence. He could always make her laugh.
Those days were long behind them now.
Talia emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a white robe. Knowing she was naked underneath distracted him. Being this close to her brought back too many memories.
“I didn’t know you crossed the veil.” She sat on her small sofa, tucking her legs underneath herself.
He shrugged. “Faldo had a price on my head. In the beginning it was easier to hide in this world.”
“He wants to kill you?” She shot up off the sofa. “Why?”
“Because he knows I...” He stopped himself short of admitting his feelings. Clearing his throat he added. “He saw us at the lake, Talia.”
“He knew?” Her hand went to her throat and her gaze moved over to her tiny coffee table. “He could have declared braitheann sí. I would have been cast out, or killed for my betrayal.”
“No.” He stepped closer. “I gave him my word that you would marry him, and in turn he would not accuse you before the High Council.”
“You did what?” He never saw the slap coming. She stared up into his eyes and lowered her voice. “How could you wish such a horrible fate on me? I loved you.”
“If I had not given him my word. He would have told the council. Once he claimed braitheann sí your fate would have been out of my hands.”
Her eyes narrowed. “So instead you broke my heart and gave your word that I would marry a hateful man that I didn’t love?”
“You would still be alive.”
“But what kind of life would it have been?”
He reached out to touch her cheek, his gaze following the trail of his fingers, before meeting her eyes again. “I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone hurting you, Talia.”
“So you did it yourself,” she whispered.
Her words cut into him, but he had earned every stab. She turned away and picked up something off of her coffee table. When she faced him again, she was holding up a tiny stone.
“I summoned you because Faldo paid me a visit last night. He threatened to send the sentinel to bring me back to Summerland unless I found you and placed this enchanted stone in your pocket. He said he would be able to track you in any world.”
Keth made no move to touch the stone. His gaze remained steady on her face.
“My jacket is in the car.”
Her eyes widened. “You don’t expect me to put this anywhere near you, do you?”
“If it means he will leave you alone to live your life in this world, then yes. Let him find me.”
“No.” Her hand closed around the stone. And she poked her finger against his chest. “You don’t get to make decisions for me anymore.”
Keth grabbed her hand with every intention of taking the stone from her, but once he touched her, and watched her lips part as she stared up at him, he found himself pulling her closer. When his lips claimed hers, she stiffened, but she didn’t pull away. His arms slid around her, pulling her closer to his chest as his tongue brushed against her lips. He growled into the kiss when her lips parted and he finally tasted her again. His entire body reacted, his pulse racing while her hands slid up his chest and into his long dark hair.
How many years had he longed for this moment, for another chance to love this woman? Too many. Breathless he whispered as he kissed her over and over again, “Sainmhíniú. Curse me from the Light, I cannot stop loving you.”
Read the Competition - Ancient Awakening
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This was so rich and vivid. A perfect blend of contemporary and mystery.
Thanks Margie!!! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it!!! :)
I hope I get to post part 3 next week! *crossing fingers*
Lisa :)
Beautifully done, Lisa !! There is a wonderful clarity in your writing ... it doesn't get lost in multiple adjectives, adverbs, etc.
Good luck to you ~ I remain optimistic in the outcome !!
~ rea ~
It was great, good luck!
I forgot I was reading the first part when I left my other comment...doh! Great second part! Keth sounds like he's a hot one!
Lisa, your story is great. Keth is really sexy!! I am up against some strong competition this of luck:-D
Thank you Rea!!! I really appreciate your optimism and feedback!!! :) You Rock!!!
Thanks Debra!!! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!!!
Thanks Michelle!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!!! Thanks for reading and commenting!!! (And hopefully voting! LOL)
Thanks Tonya!!! I enjoyed your next part too!!! Good luck!!!
Lisa :)
Gee, I hope you make it. I can't wait to read part 3.Good story!
Thank you Natalie!!! I hope I get to share part 3 with you!!! :)
Thanks for reading and commenting and voting!
Lisa :)
Love it! I voted for you as well.
Yay!!! Thank you T!!! :)
Hopefully I'll have the next part up for you next week...
Lisa :)
WOW! This part is totally awesome!!!
Thanks Laura!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
Hope you keep reading! :)
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